Sunday, December 14, 2014

I love Santa & I love Bread!

Just got Lynli to sleep, it's raining like cats & dogs outside and I'm finally able to do a little blogging!! I had a great weekend! It was filled with fun, laughter and family time! 

Friday was my husband's (Alex) family's Annual EggNog Party! Alex's grandma makes homemade eggnog to drink and vegetable soup to eat...along with all the finger foods everyone else brought. Well, a couple days ago, I was given a Santa Clause bread recipe and I decided to make it for the party! At first, it looked too advance for me but then I thought what the heck?!?! +++plus I made some green rice krispie Christmas trees as back up :) ...SOOOOOO I followed all the directions to a tee and wahhhhhlaaaahhhh it turned out awesome!!! It was a sweet bread, kinda like a roll from a restaurant....Wanna know the other cool thing??? My mother-in-law made one too!! 

Heres the recipe link:

The ingredients I used:

This is how my santa bread turned out!!! This was not a mold....I made the dough and molded it myself! IT'S EASY! YOU CAN DO IT!!

This was my MIL's santa on the right, mine's on the left! 

Seriously you gotta try this recipe! Put yourself to the test and have FUN :)
 Be the HIT of the party!

Saturday we worked around the house because it felt fabulous outside! Later on, Alex & I had a Date Night <3 <3 <3! It was SO needed!! Our <<2nd>> date night since Lynli was born-------we NEEDED it!! We went to our local movie theater and got popcorn and cokes and candy and only spent $20!!! That's a cheap date ;) We saw "Interstellar" with Matthew McCounghey and it was sooooo crazy awesome! Made you think outside the box and I felt like I was in space......please GO see it!! Here's the trailer>>

Today, we went to church and then came home. I dyed my hair dark brown, just for a change! Then, my redneck husband, whom I love so much.......cooked me dinner which was Rabbit!...hop....hOp...HoP!! Sorry for that buuuuuut it was good so ya'll should try it :)  

Okay, I'm tired and this rain is starting to scare me ...just a little...goodnight!

                            XOXOXO,    necole

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